+256 782 624 713/+256 778 559 089

Moyo District Farmers’ Association

For increased household food security and incomes to eradicate poverty

About Us

Moyo District Farmers’ Association (MDFA) is a non-governmental membership based organization belonging to the farmers, formed and registered in 1998 and working with farmers of west Nile districts of Moyo and Obongi. MDFA represents farmers, most of whom are smallholders, and promotes sustainable agriculture and natural resources management. MDFA works to reduce people’s vulnerability and supports them to realize their full potential, build on their assets, and respond to their own needs and problems in a sustainable manner.

The organization is officially registered with the registrar of companies and National NGO Board as a District Apex organization, incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and with Moyo District Local Government as Community Based Organization.

Our Goal

The goal of MDFA is ‘increasing household food security and incomes to eradicate poverty’ through practice and technology development, policy advocacy and farm produce marketing. MDFA pursues this goal by supporting activities or projects under the thematic areas; Livelihoods and Environment, Climate change, Sustainable Agriculture (SA), Community Development (CD), Environment and Natural Resource Management (ENRM), Food and Nutrition (FN), Child Protection (CP), Gender equity and sexual Based violence, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), governance and Human rights.
The Activities in support of agriculture focus on improving farmer’s knowledge and skills on innovations and technologies, access to quality, affordable and adequate inputs for food and commercial farming as well as their understanding of and ability to engage with markets and other services.

Our Vision

To be the Leading Farmer Organization in Uganda.

Our Mission

To increase agricultural productivity and production of the farmers through agricultural extension services, market linkages, lobby and advocacy for improved Livelihoods.

Our Strategic Objectives

  • To strengthen the Capacity of the organization for efficient and effective service delivery
  • Increased agricultural productivity and income of smallholder farmers through climate proof farming, with increased access to inputs, markets and value addition
  • Enhance capacity of farmers to actively contribute to agro-industrialization program and Institutional development
  • To enhance inclusion of women, youth and vulnerable groups in development interventions for sustainable development with enhanced access to, and control of resource and decision making
  • To strengthen sustainable natural resource management and biodiversity conservation for community development


Registered Members



Our Services

Moyo District Farmers Association is working with smallholder farmers and is engaged in;

Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services


Agricultural Market Development

Policy & Advocacy

Financial Services

Tractor Hire


Catch up with what our members has to say about our work.

Arapi Crane Group

Manzora Farmers Group

Women Development Group

Our Team

Board Executives

John Isse Ogwido

Board Chairpersion

Lulua Kanta Leri

Vice Chairpersion
Senior Management staff

Iranya Emmanuel


Vuchiri Patrick

Finance Manager

Jenet Maneno

Assistant Finance Manager

Madrama Francis

Extension Supervisor

Mawadri Justine

Climate Smart Expert

Oguaru Keren

Gender Officer


Visit our office or alternatively you can reach us through our mobile and email addresses below and will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.


Plot No. 4, Onama Road,
P.0 Box, 260 Moyo, Uganda



+256 782 624 713
+256 778 559 089

Open Hours:

Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM